Wednesday 13 January 2010

Jupiter and Mars.

In the summertime please be aware of the gut
Wrenching stench that overcomes me, and
Attracts comet like creatures to orbit between
My gas giant and your rock.
Provide a sufficient supply of older clothes
For my attire; ones with little need of figure
Or finesse, but with a parasite’s capacity to soak
Up more than sweat.
In the day don’t leave me to broil too long
In the sun once the bottle’s beer has fallen
Down my throat, and its glass smashed after
Slipping from my hand.
In the night ensure that I sleep furthest
From the window, and closest to the door,
And it’s best to keep a floor between us,
So open up the sofa bed.
And in the morning if I’m redder than any spot
Or more copper than your surface, and my
Satellites still here, then keep me closeted so
I can excavate my innards.
And if I’m still avoiding water like a rabid thing,
Then ring your mother and advise the situation;
She’ll lay down the law like a good goddess of
War should and condone space exploration.

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